
Acceptable Use Policy

We at WhosHere, Inc. (“WhosHere,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) have created this Acceptable Use Policy (“Policy”) which sets forth the terms of acceptable use of our WhosHere application and
service (“WhosHere”) by you (“You” or “Your”). You agree that Your continued use of WhosHere signifies that You have read, understand, and agree to abide by the terms set forth below.
You acknowledge and agree that WhosHere, its suppliers, and its service partners may suspend or terminate Your further use of WhosHere if You violate this Policy, in WhosHere’s sole discretion.
WhosHere’s WhosHere is a forum for people to meet and have an enjoyable time.

The “acceptable use” is what everyone learned in kindergarten. . .”be nice.” But since people aren’t always nice, we have had to come up with a lot of rules – sorry, but here goes.

If You are not nice, You may be suspended or expelled from WhosHere. We reserve the right to retrieve and review chats between all WhosHere users. As a normal course of business,
we do not review chats, but if we have reason to suspect or learn that anyone is violating this Policy we may investigate and/or take legal action as necessary. Additionally, we reserve the right
to investigate and take appropriate legal action, including without limitation, cooperating with and assisting law enforcement or government agencies in any resulting investigations of illegal conduct.

Behavior and profile information that runs contrary to our users having an enjoyable time is not tolerated. Items that can get You suspended and expelled include (and note that this is not a complete list):

  1. Threatening Behavior. WhosHere has a zero tolerance policy for threatening another WhosHere user. You may be expelled and not allowed to rejoin, EVER, if You use WhosHere to transmit or communicate any materials of a threatening or harmful nature, including threats of death or physical harm, or materials that are harassing, libelous, defamatory, or which facilitate extortion.
  2. Offensive Language. Offensive language, including profanity, in Your profile is not allowed. Sending offensive text or pictures without the recipient’s consent is not allowed. If there are complaints, or we find out about You doing this, Your account may be suspended or terminated. You may chat with and exchange pictures or images with other WhosHere users, so long as what you are doing is not illegal and does not contain illegal content or information. You agree to be solely responsible for knowing what is legal as it pertains to You. In some cases it may be illegal to access, distribute or facilitate the distribution of obscene, pornographic indecent, hateful or otherwise offensive materials.
  3. Nude/Sexual Profiles (Text and/or Pictures). Posting graphically sexual content to Your profile such as text or pictures/images is not allowed. There are many users online at any given time, and we talk with many users each day. We will find out quickly and may suspend or expel any WhosHere users with these kinds of profiles or content.
  4. Sexual Language/Pictures to or from Minors. Adults using sexual language, or sexual pictures, to, from or with minors is not tolerated. If we find out that You are involved with these actions, or it is seen on Your profile, it is our policy to expel You, and not allow You to rejoin. EVER. If You are a minor sending sexual pictures, that is also not tolerated, and You may be expelled.
  5. Illegal Activities. If You conduct or promote illegal activities, You may be expelled.
  6. Slurs and Epithets. Racial, religious and/or ethnic slurs/epithets are not allowed. Use them and You may be suspended or expelled from WhosHere.
  7. Pictures of Extreme Violence. Picture/images of extreme violence (including, but not limited to, people or animals being hurt) are not allowed. If You are a user with these kinds of pictures/images, You may be suspended or expelled from WhosHere.
  8. Imitating Other Users. It is our policy to suspend or expel users who impersonate others on WhosHere. Don’t do it. To the guy that pretended to be our company’s founder and said a bunch of horrible things to other users on 20 August 2008, “bad move”. To the women that this guy offended, we apologize. He has been expelled from WhosHere and will not be allowed back in.
  9. “Spam.” Don’t Spam other users. If they don’t respond right away, they may be chatting with someone else, offline or not interested. Just move on and try to chat with someone else. If You do Spam another user, You will, likely, get blocked by that person and if we receive complaints we reserve the right to suspend You.
  10. Commercial Use. WhosHere is strictly for non-commercial use unless You have a separate signed written commercial agreement with WhosHere. We ask members who are interested in advertising on WhosHere to contact sales@WhosHere.com. Displaying products or services, or links to products and services, is considered commercial use. We may suspend You if Your account is involved with commercial use of WhosHere without a valid WhosHere commercial agreement.

Violations. If You see or become aware of any violations of this Policy, please promptly report such violation to WhosHere by flagging them for review. We take anyone that
harasses users or otherwise violates our Policy very seriously.

Amendment. WhosHere may amend this Policy from time to time in its sole discretion by posting an amended version of the Policy at this URL. You agree that You are responsible for checking this
URL for amendments to this Policy. You further agree that any further use that You make of WhosHere after the effective date of the amended Policy will constitute Your binding acceptance to any such amended Policy.

Finally, WhosHere reserves the right to suspend or expel You or any user, for any reason, at any time, at its sole discretion.